Upward Soccer provides a positive sports experience for every child and teaches fundamentals of the game. St. Mark UMC offers Upward Soccer to boys and girls in Kindergarten to 10th grade. For more information please contact St. Mark UMC Office at 956-682-1481.
Upward Basketball and Cheerleading provides a positive sports experience for every child. Upward teaches fundamentals of the game and life lessons are shared at each practice.  St. Mark UMC offers Upward Basketball and Cheerleading for Boys and Girls in Prek-4 to 8th Grade. Early Registration opens in October and practices and games begin in January. The season ends in March. For more information please contact St. Mark UMC Office at 956-682-1481.
Upward Volleyball provides a positive sports experience for every child and teaches fundamentals of the game. St. Mark UMC offers Upward Volleyball to kids 6th grade to 12th grade. Registration is open for the Fall 2024. Register online at: https://registration.upward.org/UPW86990.  For more information please contact St. Mark UMC Office at 956-682-1481.